Our Chair’s Message
I am honored to welcome you to the Peritoneal Dialysis Academy (PD Academy) of Pakistan. The PD Academy of Pakistan was founded in 2018 with the objective of promoting PD as an equally preferred modality of renal replacement therapy in Pakistan. In the backdrop of minimal structured PD training opportunities locally, non-existent industrial and governmental support the PD Academy of Pakistan endeavors to provide PD training to nephrologists, renal nurses, technicians, and patients alike in a totally voluntary arrangement. The academy has been successful in conducting academic activities ranging from webinar-based discussions led by world leaders in PD to theoretical and hands-on workshops in which the trainees are given supervised access to the PD patients. The collaboration of the PD Academy of Pakistan with the International Society of Nephrology and the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis has been instrumental in this regard. Their mentorship, guidance, and kindness in sharing their invaluable resources have led to a definitive stimulation in PD interest locally. PD Academy of Pakistan is also endorsed by the Pakistan Society of Nephrology
Apart from training opportunities, the PD Academy of Pakistan provides an ideal platform for networking wherein interested PD health workers are encouraged to develop working groups to address various aspects of this modality ranging from guidelines development to financial support for the destitute. Lastly, I am happy to report that this initiative has helped gel pro-PD healthcare workers to come together to develop and execute PD-related policies in unison.
I am indebted to the entire PD Academy of Pakistan team and faculty for their service and energy without whom nothing would have been possible. I am hopeful that the PD Academy of Pakistan will serve as a beacon of hope for PD to take center stage in Pakistan.